Monday, 12 May 2008

19th April - Coromandel Pennisula

We decided to visit the Hot Water Beach on the East coast of the Coromandel Peninsula.

From Kopu, South of Thames, drove North East to Tairua on the East Coast.

The road seemed to climb for an eternity and we had to pull over a few times to let faster cars pass.

The last time I did this, when I pulled over after about 10 Kms, some idiot pulled up behind me and asked were I was from, when I said England, he proceeded to tell me to go back there and berated me for pulling over sooner.... Dumb .......

We stopped for sandwiches at Taurua and then on to Hot Water Beach on the Pacific Ocean. The beach has two fresh water springs heated to about 60 degrees F by a magma pool under the beach. You can dig a hot water spa at low tide. A pretty little village with a small river and beach and a couple ofvery nice houses on the river.

From HW beach, we went North to Witianga and turned West at Kuaotuni to Coromandel taking a few photos on the way. Loads of hills.

After Coromandel we travelled South along a narrow road with loads of twists and corners made for a slow drive back.

Found a few thing with my Mum, If she stopped talking she was enjoying herself (or asleep). So far so good we all seemed to get on. She also seemed to enjoy my cooking and comments on the way my rice was done - not easy without a rice cooker.

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