Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Singapore Family

Whilst we were in Singapore we stayed with Jo-Ann's brother, Ah Sze, his wife, Ah Chan and their two children, Wei Qi and Yan Qi.

Just before we went to the airport, Wei Qi took some group photo's

L - R Jo-Ann, Richard, Mother, Ah Sze, Yan Qi, Mother, Ah Chan and Wei Qi

Richard and Yan Qi

Ah Sze, Mother, Yan Qi, Ah Chan and Wei Qi

1 comment:

reuyoaix said...

Haha, I'll send you the NDP photos! Too bad you guys can't join us! :(

WOW! Thanks goodness I look good in the photos! hahahaaa

EH?! Are you sure you going to send it? I mean the postage etc is quite high.. :\

& I'll take a look at the book you recommend me since I'm going to finish The lovely bone soon! Wee!
