Thursday, 17 April 2008

Back in Singapore

15th April 2008

We have managed to avoid Orchard Road till now but I needed a hair cut and we both needed a massage. Connie, the masseur, was recommended by Celestina, an old colleague of mine from Cabletron. She is a tiny lady, but packed with lots of strength. Richard could show you all his bruises

16thApril 2008



Unknown said...

Hi guys looks like you are having so much fun lucky beasts!

We are all well Mum & dad fussing about as always. I opened my bank account, went for my NIN with no visible scars yet. My drivewrs licence came as well so we are getting to be an official Pom. Stay well and enjoy


Unknown said...

sorry another comment - can you bring back some canned durian or can i buy some here?